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A Video Game Writer and Narrative Designer with a drive to create emotionally impactful and thought-provoking stories. Focusing on World Building, Dialogue, and Barks.

The Spirit Beast

The Spirit Beast_ Storyboard.jpg

RPG Game Story Concept

RPG Game Story Concept_Page_1.jpg

I developed a storyboard for an original video game to represent a narrative and story progression visually. It includes important plot points and character development. CLICK to view.


This project demonstrates my skills in:

  • Analytic approach to narrative in games.

  • A story/characters geared toward player autonomy and branching choices.

  • Well-formed protagonist and antagonist.

  • Authentic and earned dialogue in at least one storyboard moment.

  • A good understanding of the RPG genre

  • Clever use of cut-scene moments vs. gameplay moments.

  • A strong and defensible approach to multiple game endings.

  • Developing a mood of the world, I’m crafting.

  • Exploring my ability to find ways to communicate an idea to an audience.

  • Strong editorial skills.


Interactive Journey



Starlit_Rebel Script_Page_01.jpg

Character Sheet

Starlit Rebel_ Character Sheet_Page_1.jpg

It contains a series of documents to illustrate my ability to:

  • Create clear design documentation

  • Accomplish narrative design and writing tasks

  • Write within game tools (Inkle)

Dialogue Barks

Armored Core Barks_Page_1.jpg

I created barks relating to a PS3/XBOX 360 game called Armored Core for Answer. The barks follow a side story, using similar characters in the original Armored game and a few originals.


This project demonstrates my skills in:


  • Adapting dialogue to a pre-existing franchise.

  • Create a variety of personalities for players to engage with.

  • Build a backstory through character interactions.

Sample Projects

A series of documents to illustrate my ability to:

  • Create clear design documentation

  • Accomplish narrative design and writing tasks

  • Write within game tools (Inky and Articy Draft)

Platform Narrative Adaptation

Seamless Cutscene

Player Autonomy

Platform Narrative Adaptation Project_Page_1.jpg
Seamless Cutscene Transition_Page_1.jpg
Player Autonomy_Page_1.jpg

Writing Scenes with Dialogue

Character Sheets

Player Choice
Branching Story

Hero Character_Page_1.jpg
Writing Scenes with Dialogue_Page_1.jpg
Player Choice Branching Story_Page_1.jpg

All images are copyrighted © by Brett Knox. The use of any images from this site is prohibited without the permission from the artist.

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